Due to the numerous amount of SPAM that I'm forced to go through on a daily basis, I'm now charging those jerks that I need to know about the crap they sell.
So here's the new rule. If your one of those jerks that send SPAM to me, I'll charge you $20 per incident. You'll receive a copy of the offending e-mail, along with a message like the one italicized below. Also, you may NEVER SPAM our listserver. If you do, I'll charge you $20 times the number of people subscribed to my listserver.
So don't SPAM. SPAM is illegal.
I define SPAM as follows:
Here's what you MAY send to me:
Example e-mail you may receive if you SPAM me:
I have received your e-mail as stated below. I do not accept SPAM, nor do I subscribe to any service which uses its' email list with other "affiliated" companies. You may view my policy at http://www.sourcevault.com/articles/charge4spam.htm
Your charge for SPAMMING this account is $20. Further SPAM e-mails received from your company will continue to acrue charges at a rate of $20 per incident.
You may pay your bill via PayPal. Simply goto www.paypal.com and send your $20 to paulhaines@sourcevault.com. If you do not have a PayPal account, please notify me at spampayment@sourcevault.com and you may mail a check/money order. You have 30 days to pay this bill.
SPAM costs me money to receive. SPAM costs me money to read. And since SPAM costs me money, I am charging you for this annoyance. I'd suggest you remove any account pointing to my domain from your lists to prevent future incidents.
Thank you.
Paul Haines